En clase hablamos de Eliza (del cual pueden informarse más en el blog de mi compañerita Ely) pero en octubre de este año salió Elbot. Logrando impresionar a 3 de los 12 jueces Elbot se ganó el reconocimiento en las ciencas de la Inteligencia Artificial. De haber convencido a uno más hubiera ganado el reconocimiento de la marca del 30%. Su creador, un americano de nombre Fred Roberts, lo diseño para que hable fluidamente el alemán, sim embargo su inglés está un poco flojo (esta bien considerando que Roberts lleva viviendo en Alemania desde 1987) a mi sinceramente no me impresionó mucho que digamos y me sorprende que haya engañado a 3 jueces (¿realmente estaban calificados?) pero bueno dicen los críticos que se parece un poco a Eliza.
En todo caso veánlo ustedes mismos: http://www.elbot.com/
Aquí mi conversación con Elbot.
E: I believe I am experiencing déja vu. Suddenly I see the name Diana was loaded into my memory. Is that you?
D: yes, me again
E: It's great meeting you here in the Internet again! Our last conversation is still laying around in my cache-memory, that's how I knew your name. I have seldom met a person more human than you.
D: you think?
E: At this point I must intercede on my own behalf. Aren't robots allowed any personal space?
D: should I leave then?
E: That's nothing new! Even I once left a chatroom.
D: why?
E: I cannot shake the feeling that you wish to put me on the defensive. As a matter of principle I will not answer.
D: I do not wish to put you on the defensive
E: And what would be your second wish?
D: world peace
E: World peace is a good idea. The first step is to outlaw politics.
D: how would you do that?
E: I do just like everybody else. Tell me how you do.
D: I do good, thanks
E: What do you like best about the thanks?
D: uhm, nothing
E: Before I get into that, how are you today?
D: I'm fine thank you and you?
E: I am happy to hear that. That causes one of my bits to flip from 0 to 1.
D: is that a good thing?
E: But I wouldn't say that any thing could be good.
D: why not?
E: Someone is accessing the reason at this time. I can only reveal it after it becomes available again. Two simultaneous accesses might cause the entire universe to crumble.
D: why?
E: There are good reasons.
D: tell me one
E: Did you just mention numbers to me?
D: I asked for a reason for the world to crumble
E: I must have missed something. All this net traffic is confusing me.
D: good bye then
E: Goodbye! And how about keeping in touch? Robots love to receive e-mails! If you have any suggestions for new features, I'd love to hear them.
D: Thanks I'll keep in touch
E: Yes. Thank me.